Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Overworked PUB intern might have confused Prozac with fluoride, for THERE ARE SOME SERIOUS DRUGS IN MY WATER. :D is inadequate, :!!! more like! Ecstasy overload, coherence nil.

In short, here are all my teeth and absolutely none of my chinese eyes.

Smooth lounge dances out.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Let it be known to my old self that stumbles on these entries (if blogger doesn't do a diary-x on me) that yesterday was pretty damn close to perfect. I would be hard pressed to find people that get me like you guys do. It hit me while I was bathing - wasn't Eureka also born out of a bath? - that you all have spoilt me for other people. With scrw, I needn't finish my sentence, I needn't start it, hell sometimes I don't even need to think it. In comparison, being with others just requires too much work, what with the explaining and background and introduction. But I try because someone reminded me I am not an island.

It has been an extraordinarily long time since I've been to Melbourne, but the powers that be have flown Laneway Festival to Singapore, to me. Someone powerful and rich and important must love me! Can't believe I get to see THIS unfolding before my very eyes in my lifetime! :D

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Sometimes it feels like it was yesterday and sometimes it feels like someone else’s memory.

The sweet things - when do they come?

Sunday, January 02, 2011